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This page has a complete list of Persona 5 Royal test answers to help you ace every question thrown your way. If you're after help for other parts of the game, our Persona 5 Royal Social Stats and Will Seeds locations explainers can help. Persona 5...
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May 7th: So what's the literal translation of the phrase "femme fatale"? May 10th: Which was the time period Yoshitsune was active in? May 11thth exams: What historical figure inspired the idiom of "favouring the magistrate"? Yoshitsune had a...
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So how is it different from a crab? Do you know? June 8th: Where does totalitarianism take things a step further than authoritarianism? June 13th: What color do you think it turns? June 15th: Between paper bills and coins, which one is issued by the government? June 20th: What do you think? One of these has minor metals in it, right? June 23rd: Some say this card was based off of a woman named Joan Now, do you know what this woman's position was? June 27th: Which of these animals is involved in an English idiom about the weather? June 29th: What do you think it says on the back of this piece? July 1st: What is the meaning of the original Chinese phrase that these dumplings' name came from? July 4th: Two people are responsible for July and August having 31 days. Do you know who those people are? July 7th: So Tanabata's about gods crossing a starry sky to reunite once every year.
Persona 5 Royal Negotiation Guide: Tips And Tricks
It might have something to do with What's the traditional food of Tanabata? July 9th: Do you know what shape it is? July 11th: What is long-term memory, anyway? Maruki mentioned something about the amount of memories you could store, right? Something like If you have theoretically infinite space for them July 12th: What was he known for? I think this came up in class. They were invented by that famous guy from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right? And they were offering something to quell the river This master strategist came up with the baozi to Write the name and biological classification of this creature.
Persona 5 Royal Test Answers - How To Ace All Exams And Class Quiz Questions
What happened when the government issued paper and hard currencies in Japan for the first time? July 15th: What is the English equivalent of the Norwegian idiom "raining witches"? Which of the following is another name for the soumen noodles traditionally eaten on Tanabata? September 3rd: Each hand in this famous statue means something, but September 6th: What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it's stopped moving?
September 14th: What do pawn shops offer that a secondhand shop doesn't? September 24th: How many black and white shapes are there respectively on a soccer ball? September 28th: So "PVS", referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off What's the P? The next part is the V part. That means it'd be "phantom Last is the S. So if we have "phantom vibration" so far September 29th: But the fishermen of Nagaragawa are actually civil servants as well. So, tell me which sector they belong to. October 3rd: If we use "three watermelons in the sun to visualise a certain matter's size against the universe's, what are the melons?
Persona 5 Negotiation Guide: Negotiation Tips And Answers
October 6th: Now, do you know who invented this instrument? October 11th: Which name was most commonly ascribed to shape B? October 17thth exams: Counting both black and white surfaces, how many surfaces are there in total on a soccer ball? Didn't the teacher say that the number of colors used to be different?
Persona 5 Negotiations Guide
Do you remember? Oh yeah, I remember. I think she said that unlike now, soccer games were broadcasted with Who conducted executions using this device? What is the reason that most people cannot become a cormorant fisherman of Nagarasawa? What is the meaning of "robota," the etymological root of "robot"? Which of the following describes the density of stars in outer space? October 22nd: Now, tell me the total count for each column in this magic square. October 24th: From a psychological standpoint, what is a key reason our memories can differ from reality?
Silky Persona 5 Personality
Contacts Ask it to offer you its power. But you can't harness their strength if you lack the skills to convince them to join your cause. A shadow's weakness is not revealed to you until you discover it yourself, so make sure to experiment with your skills whenever you meet one you've never fought before. Make sure to rank up your bond with other party members to increase the number of people in your crew that can help you negotiate. List ini menggunakan nama asli setiap persona.
Persona 5 Royal Negotiation Answers
It's important to note that if you've already acquired a specific Persona and are holding it up, you can skip the negotiation entirely and get it for free provided you don't already have a copy in your party , which is a great way to obtain a Persona if you don't want to summon one from your compendium. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. But in order to start the Social Link, you need to get a part-time job at the nearby beef bowl restaurant.
Persona Negotiation Answers
You can actually speak with the demons you fight in game and make them a part of your team. This also grants your current character an extra turn, ideally to weaken another shadow. A successful blow to a shadow's weakness temporarily renders it defenseless, which gives your party ample time to surround it. Highlight the shadow you wish to negotiate with and press X to start a negotiation. Be mindful that you cannot convince a shadow that is higher in level than you to join your team. One of those systems is negotiations. For those of us playing on hard we could use any advantage we can in a fight. When you talk to a shadow, it asks you two questions.
Persona 5 Royal - Negotiation Guide
For example, an Incubus is weak to gunfire. This guide and walkthrough will show you everything you need to know. Third Will Seed. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Early on in the game, you learn about elemental weaknesses that demons have. Then you can ask for money, items, or request to have the demon lend you their power. List of questions, answers, and results from shadows. The moment you hold up an enemy, you can see one of its four personality traits: Upbeat, Timid, Irritable, or Gloomy you can also see this when you analyze them. Not all shadows have weakness though, I find those types are more prone to status effect such as forget, confuse, sleep and brainwashing.
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Persona 5 Royal, the enhanced version of Atlus' JRPG hit Persona 5, features brand new characters, innovative battle mechanics, and an entire extra semester of content. But the new content isn't available automatically, and players will have to make a series of choices throughout the game in order to properly unlock the third semester and get the true ending. To get this ability, increase your Kindness to two and offer to take her out on a date.
Type Upbeat (when Recruiting Kelpie)
Depending on how you answer its questions, the shadow will either like you, feel indifferent toward you, or heavily dislike you. Based on the personality, you must choose the right answers that correspond to an answer type: Funny, Serious, Vague, or Kind. If you increase your relationship with Ann to Rank 2, you obtain an ability called Girl's Talk, which gives you a second chance when you fail a negotiation.
Persona 5 Royal Exams Answers Guide
Now I am trying to recruit Kelpie, and I notice for the first time, that in the upper left corner stands "Type Upbeat". As Upbeat is no Arcana unless there are new ones , I wonder if that is the hint I was looking for, and if so, how do I read it? But the options for the first question, "What are you thinking", are "homework", "new phone", and "girls". I did not find anything in the FAQs, but maybe I just searched for the wrong keywords.
Persona 5 Negotiatons · GitHub
Thanks for any answers. PS: Managed to recruit Kelpie, but still no clue, why it worked. There's four personality, and each personality have different reaction when negotiation, example upbeat like jokes one. You can read about type demon personality in tutorial. You just ned to pick the answer that corresponds with their personality. You very rarely get stupid ones that are difficult to identify, for instance, "what's your favourite food". Apart from that, most of the time it's pretty easy to choose the correct answer. FC:
Persona 5 Negotiation Guide By Joyce-chen
I just felt like it. Why you fight and put yourself in harm's way? I want to get stronger. Because I see an enemy. What you humans thinking? I'm sorry. Should I take off my shoes? Why you treat me like this, then? You look scary. I want to cherish you. You're not a beast. Why you wear mask to fight, anyway? I care about my looks. It keeps my foes' blood off. Why're you so desperate? I don't want to die. Won't you just leave me be? Fine, I will. I can't just leave you. Would you be willing to spend time and money to see people you haven't contacted for years? I suppose so.
Negotiation Testing And Results
List of Questions and Answers Below you'll find the full questions asked by each teacher along with the correct answer. April 12th: A soul is composed of appetite, spirit, and what else? Which is it? Singing April 25th: What's the common usage of kakushinhan again, regarding an action you take? Knowing your actions are wrong But the real kakushinhan is the opposite, right? So the opposite means Conviction that you're right April 27th: How many colors does it take to paint every region without any two adjacent ones being the same color? Four April 30th: First off, the "wunder" part probably means Wonder Next, the "kind" part That's probably Child So a "wunderkind" would be A prodigy May 7th: What do people generally call a woman who has a charm that sometimes leads men to their doom?
Persona 5 Royal Guide: Crossword Puzzle Answers
A femme fatale May 10th: Who do you think is the origin of the term "magistrate's patronage"? An optical illusion If how they're seeing things is different, it probably has to do with this sort of information Visual information What takes the visual information from your eyes and processes it is the, uh Brain The brain processes visual information So, the reason why people see things differently is They have different cognitions Which of the following expressions came form the name of the position that Minamoto no Yoshitsune held?
Maybe Make A Master List For Negotiation Questions? : Persona5
Magistrate's patronage What is the origin of the English word "talent"? The name of a sum of currency What did the Greek philosopher Socrates say that evil is born from? Ignorance What's the least number of colors needed to paint Japan so no two adjacent areas are the same color? Four May 16th: Do you know who created the piece which sold for the highest price back in the 20th century? Van Gogh May 2 1st: What is the name of this ratio that Japanese architects and artists have liked using?
Persona 5 Royal War Hungry Horseman
The silver ratio May 2 3rd: Well, your number's up The root words of synesthesia are "syn" and "aisthesis" What do they mean? William Kidd June 4th: The original blazers were named that thanks to a certain quality they had Any idea what it was? They were brightly colored Hermit crabs June 8th: With the advent of the color TV, something else started appearing in color Do you know what it is?
Persona 5 Royal Guide: All Classroom Answers
Dreams June 11th: Can you imagine how much gold has been excavated by humanity over the course of history? Three Olympic-sized pools June 13th: Paper money is issued by the Bank of Japan, but who issues the coins? The government June 15th: What would happen if you keep washing your hair with water that's contaminated with metal? It'll change color June 23rd: Who is this woman, drawn as the High Priestess in most tarot decks? Pope Joan June 27th: In English, what does the term "cat-and-dog weather" refer to? Heavy rain June 29th: This character is the cursive form of a specific kanji Do you know which one it is? Baozi July 4th: Do you know the reason why July and August both have thirty-one days? Someone pretentious said so July 7th: What's the traditional food of Tanabata? Soumen July 8th: What's a common trait of almost all shaved-ice syrups on the market?
Type Upbeat (when Recruiting Kelpie) - Persona 5
They have the same flavor July 9th: What is the sum of angles a through e? Luciferin July 12th: What was the name of the gentleman thief whose family was boiled alive during the Sengoku period? Ishikawa Goemon Which of these phrases has its origins in this shogi piece? Nouveau riche Goemon was popular because he wasn't just a thief, he was a Gentleman thief And the person in power who had it in for Goemon was Toyotomi Hideyoshi And, Gomeon's death after he got captured by Hideyoshi is famous too He was boiled alive Which of the following statements are true of this organism?
Persona 5 Negotiation Guide - GameSpot
It's not related to crabs What is said to be the reason why people began dreaming in color? Television Which of these was made using the silver ratio? B4-size Paper Define "syn" and "aisthesis," the Greek root words of "synesthesia" "Together" and "Senses" Sept 3rd: In this famous statue, he's holding a spear in hist left hand, but what does he have in his right? Nothing Sept 6th: What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it stops moving? Chronostasis Sept 14th: Second-hand shops are also known as thrift stores Do you know when the earliest ones appeared? The 19th Century Sept 17th: We have a saying in Japanese: a skilled hawk hides its talons What hides its claws in English?
Persona 5 Corpse Bird Negotiation
A cat Sept 21st: The word "robot" didn't come from English So, what country did it come from? Czechoslovakia Sept 24th: Do you know why they chose black and white? Phantom The next part is the V part That means it'd be "phantom" what? Vibration Last is the S. So if we have "phantom vibration" so far Syndrome Sept 29th: Not all civil servants work in government offices Which of these occupations is a civil one? Fishermen of Nagaragawa Oct 3rd: but in the entire universe, which of these is closest to its density of stars?
Persona 5 Awakened God Negotiation
Three watermelons in the sun Oct 6th: This device made mass executions possible You know what it's called, yes? A guillotine Oct 11th: Which do you think most people choose to name "kiki"? A What is the origin of the word "guillotine"? Name of the one who proposed it First of all, who proposed the idea of the guillotine? A Doctor So, from his perspective, what was the advantage of the guillotine?
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