Padi Nitrox Exam Questions

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    Practice analyzing oxygen content in your scuba tank. Come to Tioman, complete the Nitrox theory in the afternoon and start diving the following day on Nitrox. Get in touch with us to book your dive holiday. Join us on Tioman Island in Malaysia and...

  • [DOWNLOAD] Padi Nitrox Exam Questions | updated!

    Nitrox has gained popularity amongst divers all around the world in the last couple of decades. Recreational and technical divers use Nitrox while diving and see many benefits. But there are also some considerations and risks we must be aware of to...

  • What To Expect On Your PADI Instructor Exams (PADI IE)

    It is easy and comfortable to use, more environmentally friendly, and allows you to finish all of the reading work at home. In the manual you will read more in depth about Nitrox, what it is, what it is used for, its benefits and hazards and how to prevent accidents involving Nitrox. After reading through the manual, We can go ahead and begin our workshop. During your session with our instructor, you will first go over the course knowledge and make sure all questions are answered and any doubt about what you read in the manual is cleared. If you have your own dive computer, make sure to bring it with you to your course. Your instructor will go over how to set dive computers for nitrox dives and how to plan a nitrox dive using a dive computer. Next, we will talk about how to plan a nitrox dive without a computer. Lastly, we will have a look at using gas analyzers, analyzing gasses, checking your tank for fill-station markings, marking your own tank and filling a nitrox log.

  • PADI Nitrox Course

    This part is practical and will let you practice the different steps you will have to take every time you go diving with Nitrox after the course. While there are steps to take before diving with nitrox, the dives themselves are exactly the same with no special skills or procedures to perform. Though, we can schedule a couple of Nitrox dives in one of our beautiful dive locations so you can take it for a test run.

  • Download Padi Nitrox Exam:

    It is also a much safer gas for us to breathe while diving many times during the same day, or if we are doing multiple dives a day for multiple days, like on a liveaboard trip. Since we absorb less nitrogen with Nitrox, we can have longer no decompression limits especially on consecutive dives , shorter surface intervals and can even be more conservative on our dives by using Nitrox while diving on air profiles. Some dive sites will not even be worth exploring without nitrox, like Gordo Banks , which is the best dive site in the Los Cabos area to see schooling hammerhead sharks. Now, who would want to miss that amazing experience? Complete your Enriched Air Nitrox course from your home, while lock-downs and social distancing regulations restrict our diving and education programs. We have built a full online workshop, so you can still get certified by completing the course via video chat with our instructors! Animals, plants and terrain. Always seeking adventures, exploration and learning something new.

  • Nitrox Exam.A Metric 01

    My solution? I signed up for three different continuing education courses at three different dive schools on Koh Tao to shake myself out of it! And I chose topics that challenged me. I chose to take this certification quite seriously. As a PADI Divemaster , I have always felt self-conscious about the gaps in my understanding of dive theory, and I figured this course would be the perfect opportunity to fill them out. I mean, just look at this list of qualification! Thankfully, Chris was more than willing to take me on as a student. What is enriched air? Did it work? Discuss amongst yourselves.


    Yet the real benefits of diving nitrox go beyond wowing your friends with math and the fashion potential of coordinating with those sassy green and yellow tanks. Less nitrogen is, for the most part, a good thing. So what keeps the entire dive community from ditching standard air and breathing nothing but nitrox? Good question. The answer, for most divers, is simply price. The course itself is straightforward. In fact, it is the only PADI dive course ever to be streamlined rather than expanded. Because, dive computers! In some ways, these magic little wrist machines have made diving nitrox as simple as the touch of a button. I really wanted to understand. Bottom line? Praise Chris for his patience. The course kicked off with an introductory video by PADI followed by a custom lecture from Chris and many interruptions by me to ask questions. Next, I sat down for some quality time with my manual, completing a simple knowledge reviews at the end of each chapter to seal in new concepts.

  • PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Course (EAN) In Bali

    Finally came the exam, which I aced with the humble pride that some accept PHDs with. And then we put it into practice. After learning to set my dive computer for various nitrox blends, I mastered how to check tanks with an analyzer tool and record my findings, and finally how to read the markings on a nitrox tank. And then I was certified, sealed with a high-five at the surface! As we hopped off the dive boat, I felt ready to take on the world — a far cry from my normal post-dive sluggishness. So what divers should consider getting their Enriched Air certification?

  • The PADI Nitrox Course On Bali: Learn To Dive With Enriched Air

    Anyone who wants to dive longer and feel sprightlier! Those doing multiple dives over multiple days — on liveaboards, at dive resorts, etc. Those looking to brush up on certain dive concepts like me! And finally, those pursuing other specialities like Intro to Tech, Photography, Sidemount, and other courses that involve staying underwater for longer will find nitrox to be a natural step in their continuing education. I feel strongly that finding the right PADI dive shop and instructor are key when it comes to this course. So look for the right fit. Only a handful of shops on Koh Tao compress their own enriched air. I recommend taking the course at a school that does, and asking your instructor if they actually use it.

  • Padi Enriched Air Exam Questions

    It just feels good! And as someone who used to joke that I had to stop watching Bill Nye the Science Guy because all the theory was a bit over my head, I was proud to really wrap my mind around this course. If these things come easy to you, kudos! Do you dive nitrox? Read my latest ramblings on the PADI blog!

  • Crossover To TecRec In 2015

    So, we decided to put together this blog post to answer some of your questions and explain a bit about both the benefits of diving with Nitrox and what the Nitrox course including the PADI Nitrox exam entails. So to clear up some of that confusion we need to start at the basics… What happens in your body when you Scuba Dive Quick science lesson… stay with me! On the surface, the air we breath is made up of many gasses including nitrogen and oxygen the two gasses we need to know about when diving we ignore the others. That means that the nitrogen you are breathing underwater begins to build up. What is No Stop? Most divers now dive with a dive computer which will work this out for you. Nitrox is when they change the regular tank of air you breath when diving, and add in more oxygen to it.

  • What Should I Expect In My PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Course?

    When you are diving with Nitrox, you are breathing enriched air with extra Oxygen in it. With standard scuba cylinders, you will find the percentage of Oxygen is more like What are the benefits of diving Nitrox? Science lesson over! So now you know what Nitrox is you are probably wondering what the benefits of diving on Nitrox are. Well here are the three main reasons for diving on Nitrox. The number one reason to dive on Nitrox is the added safety measure. When diving air tables or using the air setting on a dive computer, Nitrox can reduce decompression stress on a diver. When used with an equivalent air depth, this safety margin is lost, but bottom time can be extended.

  • Enriched Air Diver Certification

    The second reason to dive on Nitrox is that you can stay at a given depth for longer on air — as stated above. The final reason, some say is a placebo effect. It is believed that diving on Nitrox will make you feel better post-dive. Although there may not be any hard scientific evidence to prove this theory, either way, I know I personally feel a lot better when I dive on Nitrox. If you ask most people that dive on Nitrox, they will all say the same thing, they feel a lot better when diving on Nitrox than they do after diving on normal air. Nitrox does not give you a longer dive. Just longer time at a deeper depth, safely.

  • [FREE] Padi Divemaster Final Exam Questions Pdf | Latest

    If you are not Nitrox certified and this seems like something you want to do, let us know and we can certify you the next time you are here. Anyone who holds the OWD certificate can take the course and the minimum age is 12 years old. Specifically, you will learn why diving with air that has more oxygen and less nitrogen will give you more bottom time, the enriched air equipment, and as always safety considerations and hazards. You will also learn how to analyze the gas mix in your tank, and this is something you will need to do yourself, as well as working out your depth and time limits to pass the test. What is involved in the PADI nitrox exam? The actual PADI nitrox exam consists of 25 questions that you will need to answer on a written paper. You will also need to be able to analyze the oxygen percentage of the nitrox and learn a few simple mathematical formulas, but all of this will be covered on the course.

  • Knowledge Review 4 Flashcards Preview

    So, we decided to put together this blog post to answer some of your questions and explain a bit about both the benefits of diving with Nitrox and what the Nitrox course including the PADI Nitrox exam entails. So to clear up some of that confusion we need to start at the basics… What happens in your body when you Scuba Dive Quick science lesson… stay with me! On the surface, the air we breath is made up of many gasses including nitrogen and oxygen the two gasses we need to know about when diving we ignore the others. That means that the nitrogen you are breathing underwater begins to build up. What is No Stop? Most divers now dive with a dive computer which will work this out for you. Nitrox is when they change the regular tank of air you breath when diving, and add in more oxygen to it. When you are diving with Nitrox, you are breathing enriched air with extra Oxygen in it.

  • PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Diver Specialty

    With standard scuba cylinders, you will find the percentage of Oxygen is more like What are the benefits of diving Nitrox? Science lesson over! So now you know what Nitrox is you are probably wondering what the benefits of diving on Nitrox are. Well here are the three main reasons for diving on Nitrox. The number one reason to dive on Nitrox is the added safety measure. When diving air tables or using the air setting on a dive computer, Nitrox can reduce decompression stress on a diver.

  • Padi Nitrox Exam Answers - - Tests, Quizzes, Facts & Trivia

    When used with an equivalent air depth, this safety margin is lost, but bottom time can be extended. The second reason to dive on Nitrox is that you can stay at a given depth for longer on air — as stated above. The final reason, some say is a placebo effect. It is believed that diving on Nitrox will make you feel better post-dive. Although there may not be any hard scientific evidence to prove this theory, either way, I know I personally feel a lot better when I dive on Nitrox.

  • Padi Divemaster Final Exam Questions Pdf

    If you ask most people that dive on Nitrox, they will all say the same thing, they feel a lot better when diving on Nitrox than they do after diving on normal air. Nitrox does not give you a longer dive. Just longer time at a deeper depth, safely. If you are not Nitrox certified and this seems like something you want to do, let us know and we can certify you the next time you are here. Anyone who holds the OWD certificate can take the course and the minimum age is 12 years old. Specifically, you will learn why diving with air that has more oxygen and less nitrogen will give you more bottom time, the enriched air equipment, and as always safety considerations and hazards. You will also learn how to analyze the gas mix in your tank, and this is something you will need to do yourself, as well as working out your depth and time limits to pass the test.

  • Diving On Koh Tao

    What is involved in the PADI nitrox exam? The actual PADI nitrox exam consists of 25 questions that you will need to answer on a written paper. You will also need to be able to analyze the oxygen percentage of the nitrox and learn a few simple mathematical formulas, but all of this will be covered on the course.

  • Scuba Center | PADI Enriched Air Diver ELearning Course Online | PADI ELearning Online Courses

    For me it was the greatest learning experience for my diving. We dived at least twice every day, and had enough time to really build confidence and competence. It was during this time that I finally came to understand buoyancy and learned to dive neutral and horizontal, rather than vertical and bicycling. And then you wonder just what was so hard about it! Towards the end of our 3 weeks, we were ready to learn more. There was a trip advertised to a wreck site, that required both Deep and Nitrox to go. Deep and Nitrox Specialties We booked to do our Deep and Nitrox together, as the dive shop offered a discount, and a young instructor was assigned to us. For the Nitrox course there was another couple joining us, and we spent the day in the classroom. When it came to our deep dives, we had various skills to complete, and the first 2 dives were on Nitrox to complete that course. The other couple joined us for these dives, and then we had a day on our own with the instructor.

  • Nitrox Exam.A Metric 01 | Scuba Diving | Underwater Diving

    We noticed that our instructor was not completely comfortable on the dive where we had to go below 30 metres. The specialty allows you to go down to 40m, but we went to 34m. This is within PADI standards which give a maximum depth of 40 metres and allows for the instructor to make a judgement call on the depth, based on the conditions.

  • PADI DIVE COURSES - Tioman Dive Resort

    Given her obvious discomfort at depth, going to 34m rather than 40 was the sensible call, but we were a bit disappointed. Getting Tangled Coming back up, she was in such a hurry to ascend, that she swam straight into some discarded fishing line which caught on her snorkel. She then turned several times to try and free herself, getting the line more twisted around her snorkel as she did so. Gary and I realised that she was caught up, and between us we untangled the line from her snorkel, located the 2 ends along the reef and collected it in. Our instructor was new, and fairly inexperienced. She had only ever dived on Koh Tao. What did I learn from this time in Koh Tao? Buoyancy is the key to diving — many people want a quick course to learn to dive, but there is no substitute for mastery, and sometimes that takes time. Give yourself time to master it, it will come with practice. Experience expands our comfort zones, and you should take your time to get that experience.

  • The Benefits Of Diving On Nitrox | Should You Do The PADI Nitrox Course?

    If you are a Divemaster or Instructor and you personally are not comfortable in the conditions, you should not be leading that dive or course. You have a responsibility to the people you are looking after, and safety, not peer pressure or financial pressure should be the factor in your decision.

  • Proscuba » PADI Enriched Air Diver

    So this should not be a problem. I am diver certified and all of the correct answers in this test were accurate if you disagree with something there is an explanation in the PADI Open water diver manual No. O2 Toxicity. It is PADI's most popular specialty course. I have the blank answer sheet, the answer key with the correct answers marked, but no test with the actual questions. ScubaBoard I logged on to the woeful PADI elearning page and completed some dead easy multiple choice questions, which takes about 5 minutes, then went on a couple of Nitrox dives after analysing the tanks and that was it. I actually researched Nitrox beforehand out of interest and was shocked how shallow the PADI questionnaire was. I'll use the two terms interchangeably throughout this post. This simple one-day course can be done and dusted in a matter of hours, and in fact as a "dry course," it can technically be completely without stepping a single fin underwater — though PADI is the world's leading scuba diver training organization.

  • PADI Nitrox Dive Course | Enriched Air | Divers Den

    The actual PADI nitrox exam consists of 25 questions that you will need to answer on a written paper. You will also need to be able to analyze the oxygen percentage of the nitrox and learn a few simple mathematical formulas, but all of this will be covered on the course. After a surface interval of 2 hours, the diver makes a second dive, also on EAN32 to a depth of 20 msw 65 fsw.

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