Night Chapter Questions And Answers

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    Poor and physically awkward, he has a dreamlike and spiritual quality about him. Eliezer and he discuss religion and begin to study cabbala together. Soon, though, all of the foreign Jews are expelled by the Hungarian police. But these same...

  • [DOWNLOAD] Night Chapter Questions And Answers | HOT

    Download Life seems normal enough in the village in People are encouraged by radio reports of the bombardment of Germany and the progress of the war. Eliezer continues his religious studies and the family thinks about Hilda's marriage prospects....

  • 'Night' Discussion Questions

    A six o'clock curfew for Jews goes into effect. At this point, the Jews of Sighet are clearly being singled out and discriminated against. However, they've been singled out and discriminated against at other times in their history. The Hungarians don't seem to have a problem with doing the Germans' bidding. Active Themes Jews are forced to move into one of two ghettoes in Sighet. Eliezer's house is already in one of the designated areas, so his family doesn't have to move, but relatives kicked out of their homes move in.


    Germans use some Jews for labor, but the population remains hopeful that it will remain in the ghetto until the Russians arrive and the war is over. They have very little access to information, so the Sighet Jews try to put a bright face on the situation. They expect hardship in wartime, but hope that the situation is temporary. Active Themes One night, Eliezer's father is hurriedly summoned to a meeting of the Jewish council. Neighbors gather at the house to wait. Eliezer's mother has a feeling something bad is going to happen. His father comes back late at night with the news that they are all being deported. As a respected and influential man involved in the Jewish affairs of the village, Eliezer's father takes part in the meetings where the Jews learn their fate. Active Themes All night the Jews in the ghetto prepare themselves for a journey to an unknown destination.

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    In the morning, Hungarian police enter the ghetto and order the Jews out of their houses into the streets, striking them with rifle butts. The Hungarians keep the Jews standing in the street for hours under the sun, for roll call after roll call, while the Jewish police discreetly try to bring water to the people. When the Hungarian police have an opportunity to use violence against Jewish civilians, they take it. This suggests a degree of anti-Semitism present among the Hungarians, not just their German masters.

  • Night Discussion Questions

    Active Themes Eliezer watches the people of his town—friends, teachers, the rabbi—pass by with a small bundle of possessions. The scene is surreal, like something out of a book about ancient Jewish history—Biblical stories of the Jews fleeing cruel rulers. Eliezer views this deportation through the eyes of someone steeped in the Torah. His religious upbringing helps him link the current trial with a long history of trials faced by the Jews.

  • Frindle Chapter 1 Discussion Questions

    Active Themes Eliezer's family isn't part of the first deportation. Instead they are going to be sent to the smaller ghetto. When it's their time to leave their house, they are ordered to march. Eliezer sees his father cry for the first time. The Hungarian police order them to run and Eliezer begins to hate them. These tears are the first sign of weakness—a hint that Eliezer's father may not be able to protect his family. The forces now stacked against them are too large, too well-armed, too far beyond rational thought. Active Themes In the little ghetto everything is in disarray—the people who lived here had been ordered to leave more quickly.

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    The family's old servant comes to see them and begs them to come to her village and hide. Eliezer's father says that Eliezer and his two older sisters can go if they want to, but the family does not want to be separated. The family's desire to stay together is understandable. Maybe things would have turned out better if they'd tried to hide in another village. Or maybe they all would have been discovered and shot. Active Themes That night, according to Eliezer, no one prays. The next day, people try to feel hopeful. They suggest that they are being deported because the front is coming too close, or because the Germans just want to steal their valuables.

  • Night Quiz 1

    For a few days, the differences among the remaining villagers vanish and everyone gets along well. Again the lack of information is their downfall. This day of calm might turn out to have been the last chance for escape, but without knowledge of the horror that awaits them, the Jews of Sighet don't take desperate measures. The streets are deserted, as if the non-Jews are waiting for the Jews to leave so they can pillage their houses. The synagogue is crowded with people, the altar is broken, the decorations are gone.

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    The Jews spend twenty-four hours there. The next day they're marched to the station and herded onto cattle cars, eighty people per car. One person is responsible for each car; if anyone escapes, this one person will be shot. The Gestapo watches, pleased. The trains begin to move. The Jews have lost a little bit of their humanity at each step. First their movements are restricted. Then their possession are taken. Then they're moved out of their homes. They wait in the desecrated remains of what had been their holy place. Finally, they are herded like livestock onto cars designed for animals. Active Themes.

  • Night Chapter 6 9 Quiz

    Describe Moshe, the Beadle. He worked at the Hasidic synagogue. He was able to make himself seem almost invisible. He was timid, with dreamy eyes and did not speak much. Why did Eliezer pray, and why did he cry when he prayed? He did not know why. Why did he breathe? Upon his return, what story did Moshe tell? He and other foreign Jews had been taken by train through Hungary and into Poland.

  • Night Chapter 1 Questions And Answers Education

    They were taken to a forest and made to dig graves. Then the Gestapo killed them. Moshe escaped because he had been mistaken for dead, although he was just wounded. He said he returned to tell the Jews to prepare themselves before it was too late, 4. People refused to believe him. Some would not even listen to him. They said he just wanted their pity. Cite examples of how the Jewish citizens of Sighet began to lose their rights. Jews would not be allowed to leave their homes during Christian holiday, Jews could not own gold, jewels or objects of value, Jews were forced to wear the yellow star, eventually Jews were moved into ghettos. What is a ghetto? Many old European towns had a Jewish section called the ghetto.

  • Night Questions And Answers

    Other ghettos were established. They were surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards. Why did the citizens resist the truth, even when it was in front of them? They could not believe Hitler would actually exterminate an entire race of people. Describe the conditions in the train at the end of the chapter. The Jews were loaded into cattle cars — 80 people to a car — with barred windows. They had a few loaves of bread and some buckets of water. One person was put in charge and if anyone tried to escape, he would be shot. They realize the Germans have taken them prisoner. They are at the Czechoslovak border, heading west. Auschwitz and the crematorium. What did some of the passengers do to quiet Madame Schacter? Gagged her and hit her until she stopped screaming. Where did the train finally stop? Auschwitz Chapter 3 - pp. When questioned by the S. Officer, why did Elie lie about his age and occupation? Another prisoner warned them not to reveal their real ages. Elie was 15 and claimed to be 18, and his father was 50, but claimed to be He said he was a farmer.

  • Night Chapter 4 Pdf

    What was the first horrifying sight that Elie at first disbelieved? A pit of burning babies. How had Elie changed in a short time? He told his father he would rather die on the electric wire than wait to be executed. He thought of revolting. He grew angry towards his father when his father was being beaten for asking directions to the bathroom! There were some gardens, and showers at the entrance of every camp. The showers 7. What sort of identification was used on the prisoners?

  • Night Chapter Questions Education

    Tattoos on their left arms 8. He was considered too humane. What was Bela Katz forced to do once he was chosen for his strength? Katz had to load bodies into the crematorium. He had to burn his own father. Related documents.

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    The Rabbi 6. What did the town think of him after the supposed warning? Look back at 3 A. They take his warning seriously B. They're indifferent about his warning C. They think he is simply crazy and begging for attention D. They think he is their savior 7. What news does Elie's father learn during a late-night council meeting? They were to be deported to Auschwitz B. They were being sent to America C. They were to be deported to an unknown destination D.

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    Summary Analysis Eliezer is twelve in He lives in a town called Sighet, in territory then controlled by Hungary. His father is respected in the Jewish community. Eliezer is very religious and wants to study cabbala, Jewish mysticism, but his father says that he's too young. The narrator doesn't give many details of daily life for the rest of his family or the rest of the townspeople.

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    He focuses on how, as a pre-teen and teenage boy, his own profound faith shapes his activities and his priorities. Poor and physically awkward, he has a dreamlike and spiritual quality about him. Eliezer and he discuss religion and begin to study cabbala together. Soon, though, all of the foreign Jews are expelled by the Hungarian police. But these same reasons—his dreaminess and simplicity—make it unlikely that the people will believe him. Once the train arrived in Poland, the Gestapo took the Jewish passengers off the train, drove them to a forest, made them dig graves, and slaughtered them with machine guns, using babies for target practice. Download Life seems normal enough in the village in People are encouraged by radio reports of the bombardment of Germany and the progress of the war.

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    Eliezer continues his religious studies and the family thinks about Hilda's marriage prospects. This is the calm before the storm. The people of Sighet don't have any idea about the concentration camps. Active Themes Things begin to change in , although the Jews in Sighet still doubt that Hitler wants to exterminate them. Eliezer wants his father to sell the business and move to Palestine but his father says he's too old to start a new life. The Fascists come to power in Hungary. They allow German soldiers to enter the country, but in Sighet the Jews remain optimistic. The villagers' lack of urgency suggests how difficult it was for many people to believe that Hitler could and would actually carry out his stated desire to eliminate the Jews of Europe.

  • Night—study Questions Chapter By Chapter

    Active Themes The German soldiers come to Sighet, staying at the houses of local citizens—sometimes Jews. One officer stays in a house across the street from Eliezer's. The soldiers are polite, and the Jews hope things will be fine. They keep a low profile, worship at home instead of at the synagogue. Then, during Passover, the Germans arrest the leaders of the Jewish community. The bad news comes in small steps, and at each step the majority of the Jewish community convinces itself that things might not get much worse. Active Themes The authorities issue a series of orders. First, the Jews are commanded to remain in their houses for three days. Then they're ordered to hand over all of their valuables to the Hungarian police. The Jews are next forced to wear a yellow star on their clothing, and are banned from restaurants, trains, and the synagogue.

  • Night Chapter Quizzes | Night By Elie Wiesel, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Elie Wiesel

    A six o'clock curfew for Jews goes into effect. At this point, the Jews of Sighet are clearly being singled out and discriminated against. However, they've been singled out and discriminated against at other times in their history. The Hungarians don't seem to have a problem with doing the Germans' bidding. Active Themes Jews are forced to move into one of two ghettoes in Sighet. Eliezer's house is already in one of the designated areas, so his family doesn't have to move, but relatives kicked out of their homes move in. Germans use some Jews for labor, but the population remains hopeful that it will remain in the ghetto until the Russians arrive and the war is over.

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    They have very little access to information, so the Sighet Jews try to put a bright face on the situation. They expect hardship in wartime, but hope that the situation is temporary. Active Themes One night, Eliezer's father is hurriedly summoned to a meeting of the Jewish council. Neighbors gather at the house to wait. Eliezer's mother has a feeling something bad is going to happen. His father comes back late at night with the news that they are all being deported. As a respected and influential man involved in the Jewish affairs of the village, Eliezer's father takes part in the meetings where the Jews learn their fate. Active Themes All night the Jews in the ghetto prepare themselves for a journey to an unknown destination. In the morning, Hungarian police enter the ghetto and order the Jews out of their houses into the streets, striking them with rifle butts. The Hungarians keep the Jews standing in the street for hours under the sun, for roll call after roll call, while the Jewish police discreetly try to bring water to the people.

  • Night Study Guide Questions And Answer Key

    When the Hungarian police have an opportunity to use violence against Jewish civilians, they take it. This suggests a degree of anti-Semitism present among the Hungarians, not just their German masters. Active Themes Eliezer watches the people of his town—friends, teachers, the rabbi—pass by with a small bundle of possessions. The scene is surreal, like something out of a book about ancient Jewish history—Biblical stories of the Jews fleeing cruel rulers. Eliezer views this deportation through the eyes of someone steeped in the Torah. His religious upbringing helps him link the current trial with a long history of trials faced by the Jews.

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    Active Themes Eliezer's family isn't part of the first deportation. Instead they are going to be sent to the smaller ghetto. When it's their time to leave their house, they are ordered to march. Eliezer sees his father cry for the first time. The Hungarian police order them to run and Eliezer begins to hate them. These tears are the first sign of weakness—a hint that Eliezer's father may not be able to protect his family. The forces now stacked against them are too large, too well-armed, too far beyond rational thought. Active Themes In the little ghetto everything is in disarray—the people who lived here had been ordered to leave more quickly.

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    The family's old servant comes to see them and begs them to come to her village and hide. Eliezer's father says that Eliezer and his two older sisters can go if they want to, but the family does not want to be separated. The family's desire to stay together is understandable. Maybe things would have turned out better if they'd tried to hide in another village.

  • Night Reading Questions Chapter 4

    Or maybe they all would have been discovered and shot. Active Themes That night, according to Eliezer, no one prays. The next day, people try to feel hopeful. They suggest that they are being deported because the front is coming too close, or because the Germans just want to steal their valuables. For a few days, the differences among the remaining villagers vanish and everyone gets along well. Again the lack of information is their downfall. This day of calm might turn out to have been the last chance for escape, but without knowledge of the horror that awaits them, the Jews of Sighet don't take desperate measures. The streets are deserted, as if the non-Jews are waiting for the Jews to leave so they can pillage their houses. The synagogue is crowded with people, the altar is broken, the decorations are gone.

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    The Jews spend twenty-four hours there. The next day they're marched to the station and herded onto cattle cars, eighty people per car. One person is responsible for each car; if anyone escapes, this one person will be shot. The Gestapo watches, pleased. The trains begin to move. The Jews have lost a little bit of their humanity at each step. First their movements are restricted. Then their possession are taken. Then they're moved out of their homes. They wait in the desecrated remains of what had been their holy place. Finally, they are herded like livestock onto cars designed for animals. Active Themes.

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    Literature Expert B. Erin Collazo Miller Updated November 14, Written by Elie Wiesel, "Night" is a concise and intense account of the author's experience in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. The memoir provides a good starting point for discussions about the Holocaust, as well as suffering and human rights. The book is short—just pages—but those pages are rich and lend themselves to exploration. Be sure to finish the book before reading further in this article 'Night' Discussion Questions These 10 questions should start some good conversation. Many of them include mention of pivotal plot points, so your club or class may want to explore those as well.

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    At the beginning of the book, Wiesel tells the story of Moishe the Beadle. Why do you think none of the people in the village, including Wiesel, believed Moishe when he returned? What is the significance of the yellow star? Faith plays an important role in this book. How does Wiesel's faith change? Does this book change your view of God? How do the people Wiesel interacts with strengthen or diminish his hope and desire to live? Which of their actions touched you the most? What was the significance of the Jews being separated into right and left lines upon their arrival in camp? Was any section of the book particularly striking to you? Which one and why? At the end of the book, Wiesel describes himself in the mirror as "a corpse" gazing back at himself. In what ways did Wiesel "die" during the Holocaust? Does the memoir give you any hope that Wiesel ever started living again?

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    Why do you think Wiesel titled the book "Night? How does Wiesel's writing style make his account effective? Could something like the Holocaust happen today? Discuss more recent genocides, such as the situation in Rwanda in the s and the conflict in Sudan. Does "Night" teach us anything about how we can react to these atrocities?

  • Night Worksheets And Literature Unit

    A Word of Caution This is a difficult book to read in several ways, and it can prompt some very provocative conversation. You may find that some members of your club or your classmates are reluctant to wade into this, or conversely, that they get pretty fired up about issues of genocide and faith. It's important that everyone's feelings and opinions be respected, and that the conversation prompts growth and understanding, not hard feelings. You'll want to handle this book discussion with care. Miller, Erin Collazo.

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    Frindle chapter 1 discussion questions Frindle Nick Allen, a fifth grader with a gift for creative ideas and a taste for troublemaking, coins a new word for pen - Frindle. The main human protagonist of Sounder is a young boy, whose name is never revealed to us by the author. Frindle Comprehension Questions Study Com. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Discussion Questions 1. He burns his hand and is not able to be a silversmith any more. Frindle Section 1 Appalachian State University. The first edition of the novel was published in September 1st , and was written by Andrew Clements. Frindle: Chapter 1 And 3 Novel Questions!

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    Trivia Quiz A comprehensive database of frindle quizzes online, test your knowledge with frindle quiz questions. The Comprehension Test will be multiple choice and include topics similar to those covered below. Thank you!!! Cursive Writing. Trivia Quiz quiz which has been attempted times by avid quiz takers. After one of the men, a tall soldier, suggests that a battle is imminent, other soldiers argue against the notion. Question 1 It is your unquestionably own become old to deed reviewing habit.

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    In the wayside school Louis started to hear noises he heared the sound moo moo moo he thought he was hearing it in his head so he covered his ears and didint hear anything and A Quick Frindle Summary Contains Plot Spoilers. Week 2 Homework. Because of this, in Frindle earned the Phoenix Award, which, according to the Children's Literature Association, "is intended to recognize books of high literary merit, which never won Free Frindle study unit worksheets for teachers to print. The main characters of this realistic fiction, childrens story are ,. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. These questions will be included on every key. Think andrew clements comprehension questions report card Media Publishing eBook, ePub, Kindle PDF View ID bec23 Aug 19, By Ian Fleming chapter vocabulary challenges creative reading response activities and projects tests and much more Discussion Director: Your job is to write 5 questions to be answered by your group members.

  • Night Discussion Questions | Chicago Public Library

    Weekly discussion questions nationalism 1: the 1. Comprehension Questions Chapter 1 What grade was […] PDF Frindle Chapter Questions 1e, international organizations and the law of the sea international organizations and the law of the sea 1, rip gop the decline and fall of a once great party, manual fiat linea , kinetics of enzyme action essential principles for drug hunters by ross l stein 08 23, apush chapter 6 study guide answers Finish reading chapter in Frindle. Read Online Frindle Chapter Worksheets activities.

  • Night Chapter 7 Pdf

    February 7, Leave a Comment Leave a Comment book for character study. This line serves a dual purpose. Each of our fourth graders was given their own copy this book to read prior to the start of school an idea taken from the One School, One Book initiative. Write a paragraph describing how the word "frindle" comes into existence. Write a summary of chapters Is it believable that "frindle" took off and became so well known? Why or why not? Then, complete page 12 in your Frindle booklet. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Divergent and what it means. Each question is followed by the page and location on the page where the answer can be found Despite Frindle 's popularity and the many smaller awards it won when it was first published, the novel didn't win any major awards for children's books.

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