Cpm Chapter 9 Answers

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    Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order 10 Allocating and Managing Constrained Resources Limitless material resources are not only unavailable most of the time, they may actually be a hindrance. And remaining lean and mean can often be a blessing. This involves staying flexible and making changes as necessary, rather than hewing to a predefined structure that might not be useful as conditions change. Constraints on resources are inevitable, but by combining geometric-order techniques such as resource leveling and resource smoothing with an adaptive, living order approach, you can prevent project crises. Project managers have to look outside their projects to find the resources they need.

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    Somehow, within their organizations, they have to secure the resources they need. Meanwhile, on the portfolio-level, executives have to manage resources to ensure that they are available for many projects over the long term. In reality, the schedule is only determined after the resources have been assigned. In other words, until you have assigned and committed resources, your project schedule and budget are not fully realized. They are based on assumptions, which are a huge source of uncertainty. This is especially true in the IT world, where productivity can vary so much from one person to another. Acquiring project resources usually involves looking outside the boundaries of the project itself to find what you need.

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    In the early stages, that includes finding the right people for your project team. Inevitably, you will face restrictions on the resources available to you. And yet, to complete a project successfully, you have to figure out how to get the resources you need—people, office space, Internet bandwidth, computer, copper wire, shingles, 3-D modeling equipment, concrete, and so on—when you need them. The essence of resource allocation is resource loading, or the process of assigning resources most often people to each and every project activity. In resource loading, we look at the tasks involved in the project, and then, using past experience and some judgment, determine how much work typically measured in person hours to assign to each resource in order to achieve the desired schedule.

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    In the early stages of a project, resource loading provides a quick check on resource demand and supply. Any indication that demand is tight for a particular resource should serve as a warning that you will have to carefully monitor that resource throughout the project. You would never want to have to go out and buy a screw driver just to complete a quick task like tightening the legs on a chair. Most people would agree that the cost of buying and storing a set of screw drivers is less than the inconvenience of not having them on hand when you need them. In the same vein, a project manager might make a similar value judgement about resource availability to ensure that the project as a whole progresses smoothly. This is the ideal situation and is usually the result of years of experience that allow managers to foresee needs way down the road. For example, mature project management organizations know to hire staff in anticipation of upcoming project needs and provide developmental opportunities to challenge and retain their best employees.

  • 10.1 Managing Resources In Living Order

    In a changeable environment, resource allocation is all about adaptation. You might start by planning the necessary resources in a geometric way. However, altering circumstances could mean you need to revise your plan day-to-day. In other words, in living order, you need to actively manage the resources required for your project tasks. For example, in manufacturing, when installing a new piece of automation, a company absolutely must have maintenance, manufacturing engineers, and control staff available to jump in when they are needed.

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    The schedule might spell out detailed dates, but everyone still has to remain flexible because their piece of the work will affect the overall timeline. Adding to the complexity of the situation, the personnel working on your project may have to be available to staff the rest of the plant. They might suddenly need to postpone work on your automation project in order to work on a crisis affecting a particular customer order. And keep in mind that from one project to the next, your control over day-to-day assignment of resources could vary considerably.

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    In most situations, project managers need to coordinate, negotiating and contracting with others to get resources when they need them. This is especially true for research-oriented tasks, in which resolving unknowns sets the pace of progress. An interesting example of resource control in highway construction requires contractors to rent lanes per day until they finish working on them. It can be hard to accept this fact, even in organizations that have fully embraced living order. To overcome this challenge, they argue for an even more flexible version of pull planning: In a world of accelerating change, we no longer can be certain we know what to seek. Lean manufacturing systems at least assume that we know what we need at any point in time….

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    Increasingly, we need pull platforms that can bring us relevant resources that we did not know existed but are useful to us. They must do this in a scalable fashion as well since the resources may be in a remote part of the world or developed by individuals who are just beginning to become visible with newly acquired skills. In other words, these pull platforms must offer serendipity as well as robust search capability. Hagel III, Brown and Davison Seeing the Big Picture Resource allocation occurs within a broader organizational context, subject to pressures that go beyond an individual project. That means that getting and using the resources you need, when you need them, is rarely as simple as it might seem when spelled out in a project schedule. The same is true of resource allocation; decisions about what resources will be available to which projects are, ideally, made in alignment with the organizational strategy.

  • Cpm Course 3 Chapter 9 Answers

    It might be better for you and your project to have access to a certain resource on a certain day, but that might not necessarily be the best option for the organization as a whole. Other realities can affect your ability to gain access to and pay for a resource. In the case of a scarce piece of equipment, you might try to reserve it for more time than is strictly necessary, so you can use it when you need it. This allows you to purchase flexibility, but that flexibility might be more expensive than you can afford. However, if you let a critical resource go, you might not get it back when you need it, or you might need to pay a charge for reactivating the resource. In other situations, you may be forced to pay for more than you need. For example, in projects involving union labor, you might have to pay for a half-day of labor for someone to operate equipment that you actually only need for two hours.

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    All of these factors affect the reality of getting a resource, how much it costs, and when it is available. Another important factor affecting the allocation of resources is the often intense competition for resources within an organization. In an article describing how the pharmaceutical company SmithKline Beecham SB improved its resource-allocation process, Paul Sharpe and Tom Keelin acknowledge the realities of intra-organizational competitiveness: How do you make good decisions in a high-risk, technically complex business when the information you need to make those decisions comes largely from the project champions who are competing against one another for resources?

  • Cpm Homework Help Answers Chapter 9

    A critical company process can become politicized when strong-willed, charismatic project leaders beat out their less competitive colleagues for resources. That in turn leads to the cynical view that your project is as good as the performance you can put on at funding time…. One of the major weaknesses of most resource-allocation processes is that project advocates tend to take an all-or-nothing approach to budget requests. At SB, that meant that project leaders would develop a single plan of action and present it as the only viable approach.

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    Project teams rarely took the time to consider meaningful alternatives—especially if they suspected that doing so might mean a cutback in funding. Over-Commitment, Over-Allocation, and Risk Management Resource allocation is inextricably tied up with risk management. If you fail to secure the resources you need, when you need them, you risk delays, mounting costs, and even project failure.

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    Two of the most common ways that a needed resource can suddenly become unavailable to your project are over-commitment: A resource allocation error that occurs when a task takes longer than expected, tying up the resource longer than originally scheduled. In an article for TechRepublic. The reason for this distinction is that over-commitment and over-allocation really are two separate problems. Fitzgerald Fitzgerald argues that over-commitment is a problem that a project manager can typically resolve within the confines of individual projects.

  • Cpm Cc3 Chapter 9 Answers

    The unfortunate fact is that if you face an organization-wide over-allocation problem, you may have no option but to deal with it as best you can. Successful project managers learn to ride the waves of over-allocation whitewater, making do with the resources made available to them: In the final analysis, resource overallocation is a failure of prioritization, a failure of planning, and a failure to accept that reality always imposes constraints. The nimble project manager understands that things will always change and that even in the best of systems there will be times when multiple projects are competing for the same resource.

  • Chapter 9 Answers Cpm

    Fitzgerald But is there something individual project managers can do to prevent over-allocation from causing havoc with their projects? Fitzgerald suggests that you start by learning more about how resources are allocated in your organization. Fitzgerald argues that such groups can go a long way towards resolving all sorts of project team rivalries, including rivalries involving resource allocation: The key is to get a group of PMs together and to establish a planning committee that would work to keep PMs from stepping all over one another. Simply making the decision to avoid letting the situation reach the crisis point and to open up the communication channels will begin to reduce the probability that resources are mythically overallocated. Fitzgerald Fitzgerald also suggests applying risk management techniques to critical resources from the earliest days of project planning: As a general practice, I begin every project by identifying my critical resources and developing a contingency plan for replacement or substitution of those resources in the event of an emergency….

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    By establishing nothing more than the most minimal practice of risk management, you can ensure that resource problems are brought to light early in the project life cycle rather than later when the solutions are more limited and more expensive. Fitzgerald Far from it. In the next two sections, we look at some helpful resource-optimization techniques. Resource Leveling and Resource Smoothing Two important resource allocation tools available to a project manager are resource leveling and resource smoothing. Because of the complexities involved, both resource leveling and resource smoothing are typically done using project management software such as Microsoft Project.

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    A blog post for the Association for Project Management distinguishes between resource leveling and resource smoothing as follows: Resource smoothing is used when the time constraint takes priority. The objective is to complete the work by the required date while avoiding peaks and troughs of resource demand. Resource leveling is used when limits on the availability of resources are paramount. In resource leveling, the project manager moves resources around in the schedule in order to level off some of the peaks and valleys of resource requirements. Task start dates are modified as necessary to use slack wherever possible to reduce resource conflicts.

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    If necessary, activity start dates are shifted further to eliminate resource constraints; these shifts beyond initial slack constraints extend the duration of the project. Even after judicious resource leveling, you may still find that demand for one or more resources exceeds existing constraints in order to meet a schedule requirement. In that case, you will need to consider adding resources to the project—for example, perhaps by hiring some electricians from another firm.

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    But remember that bringing on new resources may temporarily slow the project due to the time it takes for both the project team and the new resource to adjust. Note that resource leveling, as described here, is rarely appropriate in the world of software development projects. Unless the people on the project have experience that is relevant to the tasks to be accomplished and have worked on similar projects with well-defined scope, then resource leveling may not prove useful. However, resource leveling can be useful in software consulting firms that perform system upgrades for clients and have established a repeatable process for doing the upgrade.

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    Reducing Resource Use Through Schedule Compression: Yes and No Managers often assume that the schedule compression techniques discussed in Lesson 7 can have the side benefit of reducing indirect costs for resources like maintenance personnel, administrative staff, or office space. This is true in some fields, making it a very useful option. Your project will be late. If you skip the development fundamental of creating a good design before you begin coding, your program can fall apart when the product concept changes partway through development, and your project will be late.

  • Cpm Chapter 9 Answer Key

    This way of thinking about a project focuses on finding the right order for tasks within the schedule. Critical chain management was first introduced by Eliyahu M. Goldratt in his book Critical Chain.

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