Ccna 2 Chapter 3 Exam Answers

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    Temporary Internet files are removed after closing the window. Browsing history is removed after closing the window. Why do IoT devices pose a greater risk than other computing devices on a network? Most IoT devices do not receive frequent firmware...

  • [FREE] Ccna 2 Chapter 3 Exam Answers

    A consumer would like to print photographs stored on a cloud storage account using a third party online printing service. After successfully logging into the cloud account, the customer is automatically given access to the third party online...

  • CCNA 2 (v5.03 + V6.0) Chapter 3 Exam Answers For Dynamic Routing

    What are three primary benefits of using VLANs? Choose three. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning VLAN tagging of the frame? A VLAN tag is added when the frame is accepted by the switch. No VLAN tag is added to the frame. Enter the no vlan 2 and the vlan 3 commands in global configuration mode. Enter the switchport access vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode. Enter the no shutdown in interface configuration mode to return it to the default configuration and then configure the port for VLAN 3. The network technician finds it necessary to clear all VLAN information from the switch in order to incorporate a new network design.

  • ITN CCNA 1 V6.0 Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2021 2021 - Full

    What should the technician do to accomplish this task? Erase the startup configuration and reboot the switch. Erase the running configuration and reboot the switch. Delete the startup configuration and the vlan. Which two characteristics match extended range VLANs? Choose two. They are commonly used in small networks. What happens to switch ports after the VLAN to which they are assigned is deleted? The ports are disabled. The ports are placed in trunk mode. The ports stop communicating with the attached devices. All VLANs will be allowed across the trunk. Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk. Which command should the network administrator implement to prevent the transfer of DTP frames between a Cisco switch and a non-Cisco switch?

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    S1 config-if switchport mode trunk S1 config-if switchport mode dynamic desirable S1 config-if switchport mode access S1 config-if switchport trunk allowed vlan none Under which two occasions should an administrator disable DTP while managing a local area network? In a basic VLAN hopping attack, which switch feature do attackers take advantage of? Statically configure all ports that connect to end-user host devices to be in trunk mode. Disable DTP autonegotiation on end-user ports. All other ports are unused.

  • CCNA 1 (v5.1 + V6.0) Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2021 – 100% Full

    Which security best practice did the administrator forget to configure? Disable autonegotiation and set ports to either static access or static trunk. Match the IEEE Not all options are used. Question Answer A network administrator is determining the best placement of VLAN trunk links. Which two types of point-to-point connections utilize VLAN trunking? The command will have no effect on the switch. VLAN 20 will be created automatically. An error message would be displayed. Which command is used to remove only VLAN 20 from a switch?

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    What is the effect of issuing a switchport trunk allowed vlan 30 What is the problem? The native VLAN is being pruned from the link. The trunk has been configured with the switchport nonegotiate command.

  • CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + V6.0) Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2021 – 100% Full

    Which two statements are true about VLAN implementation? Choose two. The size of the collision domain is reduced. The number of required switches in a network decreases. VLANs logically group hosts, regardless of physical location. The network load increases significantly because of added trunking information. Which three statements accurately describe VLAN types? Choose three. After the initial boot of an unconfigured switch, all ports are members of the default VLAN. An Voice VLANs are used to support user phone and e-mail traffic on a network. A network administrator is determining the best placement of VLAN trunk links. Which two types of point-to-point connections utilize VLAN trunking?

  • CCNA 2 (v5.0.3 + V6.0) Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2021 – 100% Full

    Which statement is true concerning VLAN tagging of the frame? A VLAN tag is added when the frame is accepted by the switch. No VLAN tag is added to the frame. The command will have no effect on the switch. VLAN 20 will be created automatically. An error message would be displayed. VLAN 30 will be deleted. Which command is used to remove only VLAN 20 from a switch? Enter the no vlan 2 and the vlan 3 commands in global configuration mode. Enter the switchport access vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode. Enter the switchport trunk native vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode.

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    Enter the no shutdown in interface configuration mode to return it to the default configuration and then configure the port for VLAN 3. Cisco Catalyst switch has been added to support the use of multiple VLANs as part of an enterprise network. The network technician finds it necessary to clear all VLAN information from the switch in order to incorporate a new network design. What should the technician do to accomplish this task?

  • CCNA2 V6.0 Chapter 3 Exam Answers

    Erase the startup configuration and reboot the switch. Erase the running configuration and reboot the switch. Delete the startup configuration and the vlan. All VLANs will be allowed across the trunk. Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk. Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk. Which command should the network administrator implement to prevent the transfer of DTP frames between a Cisco switch and a non-Cisco switch? S1 config-if switchport mode trunk S1 config-if switchport mode dynamic desirable S1 config-if switchport mode access S1 config-if switchport trunk allowed vlan none Under which two occasions should an administrator disable DTP while managing a local area network?

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    What is the problem? The native VLAN is being pruned from the link. The trunk has been configured with the switchport nonegotiate command. Refer to the exhibit. The port becomes inactive. The port goes back to the default VLAN. The port automatically associates itself with the native VLAN. The port creates the VLAN again. In a basic VLAN hopping attack, which switch feature do attackers take advantage of?

  • CCNA Routing And Switching

    Problem 1. If R is an equivalence relation on a nite nonempty set A, then the equivalence classes of The answer is c. Every element belongs to exactly one equivalence class. We have nine elements accounted for, so there must be one more class. Answer key. UNIT 1 Vocabulary. On balance, it seems that there is no right answer, but there are more advantages than disadvantages to living in a bigger family. In the above example, a list is created by multiplying every value of x by 2. The site is password protected now but if you use the Wayback machine you can Eight candidates for a highly desirable corporate job are locked together in an exam room and given a final test with just one seemingly simple question.

  • CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + V6.0) Chapter 2 Exam Answers 2021 – 100% Full

    However, it doesn't take long for confusion to ensue and tensions to Take note of question 3: 7y 3 is like saying 7 times y 3. After y is cubed, then you multiply by 7. The variable y, not 7, is being raised to the third power. Not only did my experience with Better Lesson help me adopt more blended learning practices in my classroom but it truly helped me become a better teacher. To test if a variable is between two numbers you would use: answer choices! Exams for UK university. Who accepts C2 Proficiency? Here are just a few of the leading organisations that will accept your certificate Start studying edhesive unit 5 study guide. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Unit 1 Test 1 Review Activity. Jeopardy Review. Unit 1 - Honors Math 2 Answers Mathematics, To test whether this is true for your school, you randomly approach 20 fellow students and ask them how long in hours they play video games per week.

  • CCNA 2 V6.0 Exam Answers 2021

    You find that the average student, among those you asked, plays video games for 1 hour per week. It-essentials v7. What is a good safety precaution to take when opening a computer case? Place tape over the case edges that are sharp. In which section of the motherboard would a memory module be installed? Students as well as instructors can answer questions, fueling a healthy, collaborative discussion. You need to create 2 Rectangle objects. It seems that you would do that with. Personal and immediate answers to content, pedagogical or Edhesive students consistently beat AP national averages.

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    Quizzes, exams and coding assignments are automatically graded. Free: Computer-based sample tests. Watch this tutorial before you start. Make a note of your answers as you complete the test. Routing and Switching Essentials Version 6. Which type of traffic is designed for a native VLAN? The diagnostic test comes with a complete answer key. The answer key notes areas of weakness and directs learners to the appropriate sections of ServSafe Manager Book for further study prior to class. Additionally, you as an instructor can use the results of the diagnostic test to note which areas of content will require extra attention in the Be able to reduce the potential for conflict within a team 2. For some, it starts even sooner. Lesson 5. Creative Development: This unit introduces students to the theory and practice of user interface design.

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  • RSE CCNA 2 Chapter 3 Quiz Answers - CCNA 7 Exam Answers

    Adhesive Test Answer Key 1. When constructing cabinet drawers and using a rabbeted joint to connect the sides of the drawer and the back of the drawer, what else must be added to the joint to increase it's strength? Start studying Edhesive Unit 2. Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools. Edhesive Unit 2. In this part of the Speaking exam you have a minute to answer two questions by yourself about two different photographs on the same topic e. You have to compare the photos Answer by Ted F. Name a point collinear to point D.

  • CCNA 2 (v + V) Chapter 3 Exam Answers For Dynamic Routing - Config Router

    Give another name for line p. Name the intersection of line r and plane X. In the Listening Test 38, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions Section 1 is a telephone conversation about opening a bank account. The array is to hold the scores of 10 students on 3 exams. The cores are as follows: Students Test 1 Test 2 Test … read more Correct answers: 2 question: Edhesive code practice 4. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for BIO : Array at Northern Kentucky University.

  • CCNA 2 (v + V) Chapter 3 Exam Answers - % Full

    We worked out this system where we would pass a piece of paper to each other with the answers to the questions. Sometimes we just passed it by hand if we were sitting The forName String className method returns the Class object associated with the class with the given string name. We have to give the fully qualified name for a class.

  • #CCNA2Chapter3ExamAnswers #DynamicRouting #ConfigRouter | Exam Answer, Ccna, Exam

    Which type of route will require a router to perform a recursive lookup? Which route is the best match for a packet entering a router with a destination address of The router must send a packet to network Which route will be used to forward the traffic? What is different between IPv6 routing table entries compared to IPv4 routing table entries? IPv6 routing tables include local route entries which IPv4 routing tables do not. By design IPv6 is classless so all routes are effectively level 1 ultimate routes. IPv6 does not use static routes to populate the routing table as used in IPv4. Match the dynamic routing protocol component to the characteristic.

  • Edhesive Exam 2 Answers

    What are three primary benefits of using VLANs? Choose three. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning VLAN tagging of the frame? A VLAN tag is added when the frame is accepted by the switch. No VLAN tag is added to the frame. Enter the no vlan 2 and the vlan 3 commands in global configuration mode. Enter the switchport access vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode. Enter the no shutdown in interface configuration mode to return it to the default configuration and then configure the port for VLAN 3. The network technician finds it necessary to clear all VLAN information from the switch in order to incorporate a new network design. What should the technician do to accomplish this task? Erase the startup configuration and reboot the switch. Erase the running configuration and reboot the switch. Delete the startup configuration and the vlan. Which two characteristics match extended range VLANs? Choose two. They are commonly used in small networks.

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