1984 Ar Test Answers

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    The best use for this book would be to study the introductory lessons in order to create a baseline for you to expand your knowledge, and to use another resources for practice tests. You will also have access to ASVAB flash cards, and the ability to...

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    What Has Intrinsic Value? For a long time, philosophers appear to have thought that the notion of intrinsic value is itself sufficiently clear to allow them to go straight to the question of what should be said to have intrinsic value. Not even a potted history of what has been said on this matter can be attempted here, since the record is so rich. Rather, a few representative illustrations must suffice. In his dialogue Protagoras, Plato [— B. For example, at one point Socrates says that the only reason why the pleasures of food and drink and sex seem to be evil is that they result in pain and deprive us of future pleasures Plato, Protagoras, e.

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    He concludes that pleasure is in fact good as such and pain bad, regardless of what their consequences may on occasion be. Aristotle [— B. Over the course of the more than two thousand years since this was written, this view has been frequently endorsed. Like Plato, Aristotle does not take pleasure and pain to be the only things that are intrinsically good and bad, although some have maintained that this is indeed the case. This more restrictive view, often called hedonism, has had proponents since the time of Epicurus [— B. Most philosophers who have written on the question of what has intrinsic value have not been hedonists; like Plato and Aristotle, they have thought that something besides pleasure and pain has intrinsic value.

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    One of the most comprehensive lists of intrinsic goods that anyone has suggested is that given by William Frankena Frankena , pp. Presumably a corresponding list of intrinsic evils could be provided. Suppose that you were confronted with some proposed list of intrinsic goods. It would be natural to ask how you might assess the accuracy of the list. How can you tell whether something has intrinsic value or not? On one level, this is an epistemological question about which this article will not be concerned. See the entry in this encyclopedia on moral epistemology. On another level, however, this is a conceptual question, for we cannot be sure that something has intrinsic value unless we understand what it is for something to have intrinsic value.

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    What Is Intrinsic Value? For the moment, though, let us ignore this complication and focus on what it means to say that something is valuable for its own sake as opposed to being valuable for the sake of something else to which it is related in some way. Perhaps it is easiest to grasp this distinction by way of illustration. Suppose that someone were to ask you whether it is good to help others in time of need. Or perhaps you would again seek to explain the fact that it is good that people be pleased in terms of something else that you take to be good.

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    It is at this point that you will have arrived at intrinsic goodness cf. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, a. That which is intrinsically good is nonderivatively good; it is good for its own sake. That which is not intrinsically good but extrinsically good is derivatively good; it is good, not insofar as its extrinsic value is concerned for its own sake, but for the sake of something else that is good and to which it is related in some way.

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    Intrinsic value thus has a certain priority over extrinsic value. The latter is derivative from or reflective of the former and is to be explained in terms of the former. It is for this reason that philosophers have tended to focus on intrinsic value in particular. The account just given of the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic value is rough, but it should do as a start. Certain complications must be immediately acknowledged, though. First, there is the possibility, mentioned above, that the terms traditionally used to refer to intrinsic value in fact refer to more than one concept; again, this will be addressed later in this section and the next. Another complication is that it may not in fact be accurate to say that whatever is intrinsically good is nonderivatively good; some intrinsic value may be derivative.

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    This issue will be taken up in Section 5 when the computation of intrinsic value is discussed; it may be safely ignored for now. Still another complication is this. Roughly, what this means is that, if something has value, it will have this value in virtue of certain nonevaluative features that it has; its value can be attributed to these features. For example, the value of helping others in time of need might be attributed to the fact that such behavior has the feature of being causally related to certain pleasant experiences induced in those who receive the help. Suppose we accept this and accept also that the experiences in question are intrinsically good. In saying this, we are barring the complication to be discussed in Section 5 taking the value of the experiences to be nonderivative. Nonetheless, we may well take this value, like all value, to be supervenient on, or grounded in, something. In this case, we would probably simply attribute the value of the experiences to their having the feature of being pleasant.

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    This brings out the subtle but important point that the question whether some value is derivative is distinct from the question whether it is supervenient. Even nonderivative value value that something has in its own right; value that is, in some way, not attributable to the value of anything else is usually understood to be supervenient on certain nonevaluative features of the thing that has value and thus to be attributable, in a different way, to these features. To repeat: whatever is intrinsically good is barring the complication to be discussed in Section 5 nonderivatively good. It would be a mistake, however, to affirm the converse of this and say that whatever is nonderivatively good is intrinsically good. For example, suppose that your interlocutor were to ask you whether it is good to eat and drink in moderation and to exercise regularly.

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    In what way, though? Well, perhaps you would be thinking of health as intrinsically good. But perhaps not. If John were a villain, you might well deny this. Indeed, you might want to insist that, in light of his villainy, his being healthy is intrinsically bad, even though you recognize that his being healthy is good for him. If you did say this, you would be indicating that you subscribe to the common view that intrinsic value is nonderivative value of some peculiarly moral sort. One of the first writers to concern himself with the question of what exactly is at issue when we ascribe intrinsic value to something was G.

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    Moore [—]. In his book Principia Ethica, Moore asks whether the concept of intrinsic value or, more particularly, the concept of intrinsic goodness, upon which he tended to focus is analyzable. One example of an analysis of this sort is the analysis of the concept of being a vixen in terms of the concepts of being a fox and being female. His own answer to the question is that the concept of intrinsic goodness is not amenable to such analysis Moore , ch. In place of analysis, Moore proposes a certain kind of thought-experiment in order both to come to understand the concept better and to reach a decision about what is intrinsically good.

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    For example, if such a thought-experiment led you to conclude that all and only pleasure would be good in isolation, and all and only pain bad, you would be a hedonist. He says that it involves our saying that a world in which only pleasure existed—a world without any knowledge, love, enjoyment of beauty, or moral qualities—is better than a world that contained all these things but in which there existed slightly less pleasure Moore , p.

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    Such a view he finds absurd. Regardless of the merits of this isolation test, it remains unclear exactly why Moore finds the concept of intrinsic goodness to be unanalyzable. One candidate that Moore discusses is this: for something to be intrinsically good is for it to be something that we desire to desire. He argues that any such analysis is to be rejected, since it will always be intelligible to ask whether and, presumably, to deny that it is good that something be A, B, C,…, which would not be the case if the analysis were accurate Moore , pp.

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    Moore apparently thinks that his objection works just as well where one or more of the component concepts A, B, C,…, is evaluative; but, again, many dispute the cogency of his argument. Indeed, several philosophers have proposed analyses of just this sort. He formulates a view according to which to put matters roughly to say that a state of affairs is intrinsically good or bad is to say that it is possible that its goodness or badness constitutes all the goodness or badness that there is in the world Chisholm However, the general idea that an intrinsically valuable state is one that could somehow account for all the value in the world is suggestive and promising; if it could be adequately formulated, it would reveal an important feature of intrinsic value that would help us better understand the concept.

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    We will return to this point in Section 5. Rather than pursue such a line of thought, Chisholm himself responded Chisholm in a different way to Bodanszky and Conee. This new analysis in fact reflects a general idea that has a rich history. Franz Brentano [—], C. Broad [—], W. Ross [—], and A. It would thus seem very natural to suppose that for something to be intrinsically good is simply for it to be such that it is fitting to value it for its own sake. The underlying point is that those who value for its own sake that which is intrinsically good thereby evince a kind of moral sensitivity.

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    Though undoubtedly attractive, this analysis can be and has been challenged. Brand Blanshard [—], for example, argues that the analysis is to be rejected because, if we ask why something is such that it is fitting to value it for its own sake, the answer is that this is the case precisely because the thing in question is intrinsically good; this answer indicates that the concept of intrinsic goodness is more fundamental than that of the fittingness of some pro attitude, which is inconsistent with analyzing the former in terms of the latter Blanshard , pp. Lemos , p. Whether such an account is acceptable has recently been the subject of intense debate. Many, like Scanlon, endorse passing the buck; some, like Blanshard, object to doing so. Hence a buck-passer may, but need not, accept the analysis. Indeed, there is reason to think that Moore himself is a buck-passer, even though he takes the concept of intrinsic goodness to be unanalyzable; cf.

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    Olson If this were the case, it would reveal an important feature of intrinsic value, recognition of which would help us to improve our understanding of the concept. However, this thesis has also been challenged. Krister Bykvist has argued that what he calls solitary goods may constitute a counterexample to part a of the thesis Bykvist , pp. Such alleged goods consist in states of affairs that entail that there is no one in a position to value them. Suppose, for example, that happiness is intrinsically good, and good in such a way that it is fitting to welcome it. Then, more particularly, the state of affairs of there being happy egrets is intrinsically good; so too, presumably, is the more complex state of affairs of there being happy egrets but no welcomers. The simpler state of affairs would appear to pose no problem for part a of the thesis, but the more complex state of affairs, which is an example of a solitary good, may pose a problem.

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    For if to welcome a state of affairs entails that that state of affairs obtains, then welcoming the more complex state of affairs is logically impossible. Furthermore, if to welcome a state of affairs entails that one believes that that state of affairs obtains, then the pertinent belief regarding the more complex state of affairs would be necessarily false. In neither case would it seem plausible to say that welcoming the state of affairs is nonetheless fitting. Thus, unless this challenge can somehow be met, a proponent of the thesis must restrict the thesis to pro attitudes that are neither truth- nor belief-entailing, a restriction that might itself prove unwelcome, since it excludes a number of favorable responses to what is good such as promoting what is good, or taking pleasure in what is good to which proponents of the thesis have often appealed.

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    He had barely slept during the night, but he dragged himself out of bed and got dressed for work. Normally, Trebek hosts five episodes a day, two days a week, from July to April — so there was new material to air through the first three months of the shutdown. Now that the stockpile had run out, producers decided to resurrect popular episodes from years past. As he climbed the stairs, he had to stop to rest. Then he got in front of the camera, and something shifted. It is some kind of an elixir. He also taped promotional videos and recorded a health update for fans who have been following his struggle with advanced pancreatic cancer. Image Alex Trebek and his wife, Jean. Trebek , who turns 80 this month, has never been one to ignore hard facts. If his current course of cancer treatment fails, he plans to stop treatment, he said.

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    With his cerebral bearing and aura of quiet, impartial authority, he embodies ideals that feel endangered: the pursuit of knowledge, and the inherent value of facts. Image Mr. It bothers Trebek that facts no longer provide common ground; that a shared narrative about current events has fractured into ideological media bubbles, in which information has given way to hyperbole and reflexive opinion. When I asked him why he decided to publish a book now, after turning down offers in the past, he was direct. He and his publisher learned that an unauthorized biography, by the writer Lisa Rogak, was scheduled to appear on July There are no shocking revelations in his memoir, but there are a few surprises. Trebek swears, a lot. He was so unruly as a boy that he almost got expelled from boarding school. In the early s, he accidentally ate four or five hash brownies at a party in Malibu, and woke up at the host's house three days later.

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    His favorite animal is the musk ox. As a boy, Alex was a daredevil and a class clown, picking fights with bullies, jumping off a balcony with a makeshift parachute, falling through the ice of a frozen river. He went to military college and dropped out, then attended the University of Ottawa, where he majored in philosophy and studied the teachings of Thomas Aquinas. While still in school, he landed a job as a radio announcer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, where he worked for 12 years. Trebek talks to the 10 finalists of the National Geography Bee in Noel Erinjeri of Flint, Mich. Expectations were staggering from the start. If a clue seemed too hard, he told the writers to drop it. Sometimes the writers keep esoteric clues in anyway. Almost invariably, the contestants are stumped. When he walked onto the stage and greeted the audience, he felt focused, like himself.

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